Recent content by Zebedeus

  1. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    The last update....then i'll stop to annoying you. I promise you.:devilish:
  2. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    Finally the first vertical showcase is full and complete. But nothing is definitive yet.
  3. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    Even today something of the Austrian empire has been added. But work is slow. Few ideas but very confused. I add a headdress and remove two, then I move another and I'm never satisfied with the result... what an effort.
  4. Zebedeus

    CCJ collection

    Charles my congrats. Every time I enter this thread and immerse myself in history with a capital H it is always a pleasure like the first time.. A large, unique and unattainable world class collection
  5. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    Thank you gents for the appreciaments. For the french militaria lovers only.
  6. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    The show must go on...
  7. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    A close-up of the italian colonial stuffs (1890-1893).
  8. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    You're right, Napoleonic shakos are a chimera, but I purchased this specimen at a modest price because it still looks dirty. In my opinion it is an original shako from the restoration period (1820-1840) on which an original Napoleonic frieze was mounted in distant times.
  9. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

  10. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

  11. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    I will take your advice into serious consideration....
  12. Zebedeus

    Working in progress

    Dear Friends, I haven't been on the forum much in the last few weeks. In fact, I'm busy. In the little free time I have after work I'm creating a new project. I purchased a used display case, I proceeded with dismantling and transporting it. The electrical system was obsolete and so I completely...
  13. Zebedeus

    Italian Royal Army in WW1

    You are right. The frieze embroidered on red cloth and the band of red cloth under the ranks are a peculiarity of colonels who have command of a regiment and of general officers only.
  14. Zebedeus

    Italian Royal Army in WW1

    M1895 for the 12th infantry colonel commander of regiment.
  15. Zebedeus

    K R 2 Feldgrau

    You're such a steamroller, my friend. Well done!