Hello! From Canada...


Active member
Hello all, my name is Adam and I am new to the forum and to collecting these helmets. I am from Ont. Canada.

I don't know what it is about these helmets but I can't stop looking at them...! And my wife is getting fed up with me buying them.

Anyways, I think I have been have trouble navigating the website/personal messaging people. I sent the owner-moderator a PM last week about helmet repair services and received no word back.


Hello and welcome.
Very curious to see what it is your wife is getting upset with!!
Welcome to the forum!

I am fortunate that my wife does not get upset when I buy helmets for my collection. She likes my hobby, and also understands how they increase in value over time. She also appreciates the fact that I have something that looks nice to show for my investment.

If you buy quality condition pieces for your collection, I believe they will always appreciate in value. I am always amazed at how much they have increased in price in 33 years since I started collecting them.

All the Best,

ww1czechlegion said:
Welcome to the forum!

I am fortunate that my wife does not get upset when I buy helmets for my collection. She likes my hobby, and also understands how they increase in value over time. She also appreciates the fact that I have something that looks nice to show for my investment.

If you buy quality condition pieces for your collection, I believe they will always appreciate in value. I am always amazed at how much they have increased in price in 33 years since I started collecting them.

All the Best,


I will heed your advice, and try explaining it to my wife this way!
Adam's filz helme restoration was completed a month ago. His M15 spike base had pushed down on the top of the shell and was tilted. The top of the shell was straightened and the over all helme blocked back into proper shape.
Yes, sorry for my late response,

Brian did an amazing job straightening the felt helmet! Not only did he fix the top, but he managed to straighten out the body very nicely as well as the rear visor. I would recommend Brian anytime for pickelhaube repairs! I will post some pics of the before and after in a bit.

Adam H
Thanks for the recommendation Adam. It was fun to work on your helmet. I had not done a felt helme in quite awhile.