Meet Jürgen.

Tony without Kaiser

Staff member
Meet Jürgen. He is wearing an issued Koller for a Sergeant of the Garde Kürassier Regt Garde-Korps Berlin.

He stands 6' tall which was minimum height for the Garde Kürassier and with the parade eagle on his helmet, he is 7'.

Click HERE for the full size photo which is worth a look.

Lost Skeleton said:
Jürgen looks like Patrick Stewart.

He should, this is a very high quality Patrick Stewart head that I bought on ebay! "Make it so Number One..."

He came in an off-white resin so I painted the head and hands with Humbol flat flesh, then did the low areas with Tamiya flesh. Everything was then given a Testors semi-gloss coat. He turned out very well. So now I have the bug, and I would like to find some more high quality heads and get a few more guys dressed up. I have 55 Imperial torso-mannequins with helmets now, so I have a pretty broad selection to choose from. :wink:

I have two more very nice quality heads, what I really need are 1st war side-seam marching boots.

Uh....T......does he respond when you talk to him?? There could be some underlying issues here. Call me anytime if you feel the need. B
I think Worf with a Busby would look cool as well!!!

Just kidding around!

Tony this is very cool
