No notifications anymore when a reply is posted!


Well-known member
Hi Gents,
I have some problem here on the forum...Since a few weeks, I am not notified anymore with extra E-Mail when replies are posted on threads I am participating to.....(although the hook is always placed in " notify me when a reply is posted" ). Can someone help me?
Thank you
Hi Philippe: I will try and help out. I will email our site tech and get him to look into the problem. Logan tells me that this problem has been going on for some time. Thank you for your patience.
b.loree said:
Hi Philippe: I will try and help out. I will email our site tech and get him to look into the problem. Logan tells me that this problem has been going on for some time. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you Brian!

But it still does not work....(I see your answer only now...)

Cool....this was part of our tech supports' readjustment of the site so that I could start getting emails about activating new members. This had to do with the volume of things being sent from the site to various members and me with a gmail account. I am now receiving activation notices from email, so things have been rectified for now. However, as we grow, which is inevitable because we are one of the best militaria sites on the internet, there will be further problems and expenses. Problems will be dealt with, I promise. My son Logan, has already received one email from a member requiring a solution, which he dealt with, many of you as fathers know how much this means. I very much appreciate the emails that members send to me regarding glitches, Joe, James, Karel ,Tony, Bruno....too many to list but please keep sending emails gentlemen, if there is a problem. There have also been many PM's of appreciation which keeps things going as well......compliments are always good, or even negatives! One last thing....I have had 2 requests so far for my source of tech support for this forum, I provided the connection and he established sites on the internet for those members. They are hugely pleased, so if you need tech me ( and no I am not getting a rebate for saying that). All the best, to you and yours! Brian
Thank you so much Brian and Logan for this knowhow!!!
Great to see it works again!!!
