Remnants of the Empire


New member
As some of you know, I collect postcards mostly of royalty and nobility. Usually when I look at them, or we all talk about Kaiser Wilhelm and others, I think of them all in the past tense. I know that Archduke Otto, the crown prince of the Austrian empire, son of Kaiser Karl, is still living, but he's about the only one I ever think of as still being with us.

Today I was reading some royalty news and was kind of shocked to read that the younger son of the last reigning Duke of Braunschweig (photo attached) just recently died! Prince Georg Wilhelm, born in 1915, died on 8 January 2006.

I just forget that there might still be a few of the royals and nobles of the old Empire still out there somewhere. :salute:

Hi mike,
A friend of mine Martin Boswell, is curator of uniforms at the Imperial War Museum. He told me last week that the IWM just purchased two of Kaiser Bill's tunics from a relative. If this is straight up [ We were both 'Brahms and Liszt' when he was telling me this!] I'll try to find out if a contact can be made.
Someone on another forum pointed out to me that there is still 1 living grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm. His son, Prince Oskar, had a son, Prince Wilhelm Karl, who was born in 1922 and is still living. But he's really outside the scope of the point I was trying to make, that there was someone from one of the royal families that was born before the empire fell and was still with us today (well, until a few weeks ago anyway!)

As for obtaining a uniform from a relation, the Prussian royal house is very, very large, there are dozens and dozens of Princes of Prussia running around today, so I'm not surprised.
OK, Mike.

Nice one Gus! More like decomposed.
Cockney rhyming slang again, sorry.

Brahms and Liszt = 'pi**ed' = drunk, bladdered,soused, mullered, cut, sloshed, stoned, stewed, squiffy,as a lord, as a Newt, kahlied, hatstand, pickled, tight, tight as an Owl, plastered, etc.

But 'Pi**ed to you lot over there is 'angry' - right?
But 'Pi**ed to you lot over there is 'angry' - right?
If this is straight up [ We were both 'Brahms and Liszt' when he was telling me this!]
I see my problem, I did not see the "if" in your statment, I thought you had said "this is straight up" and that statement would have required you both to be "well composed"
When one is employed in the government sector here, if you are bilingual, you get higher pay, I should seak such a job as I am becoming bilingual. Although the second language is expected to be Spanish, it is never spacificly stated, so rhyming Cockney slang should count too.
You could try Gus, but who's gonna hear you through the Gummie? Here in France that would be in your favor.
Are you keeping it on for the show? I want to see pictures of you lot large-ing it up.
Are you keeping it on for the show?
No doubt, when Maggie and I visited Joe in Texas last year, I was wearing the mask whenI knocked on the door, Joe had no trouble recognizing me.