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  1. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Mecklenburg - Schwerin Pickelhaube

    a Grand Piece.
  2. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Recruiting Officers Waffenfrock (Third Reich era) $1000.00

    Hello, this forum is mostly those who collect from the Imperial Era, and those who do collect Third Reich are not necessarily coming here to find it, and that is most likely why you aren't seeing any attention to the piece. So respectfully I say, it is probably worth it to move this piece to a...
  3. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Happy Chinese New Year

    Happy New Year
  4. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    another new member

    Hello, we are happy to have you among our Ranks. I hope you can learn something from us, and perhaps vise versa.
  5. Kaiser Wilhelm II


    Welcome Aboard. I look foreword to seeing the rest of your collection.
  6. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Back off everybody, this one's mine...(SATIRE)

    Woah, what an Immaculate specimen. I certainly hope you are able to attain this wonderful pile of it.
  7. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Another beautiful rare piece....(ALSO SATIRE)

    "Unique" really is the right word.
  8. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Italian Royal Army in WW1

    Quite the Fantastic Lineup.
  9. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Repost helmet ID

    I am not necessarily sure on that subject, however as the helmet stands right now, I'd say that is untrue, however I am no final word.
  10. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Repost helmet ID

    The first helmet is an Austrian M1917 Helmet, denoted as Austrian by the higher mounted Chin Strap mounts, it is not in its original brown paint however. The Second Piece is a German M1918 Helmet with Camouflage. It is denoted as an M18 by the lack of lower mounted lugs for the chinstrap on the...
  11. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    This is new to me

    To me this is a Würtemberger Technical Troop. That of course being Artillery and Pioneers and such.
  12. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    The best of the year.

    I saw that piece on Weitze, that is truly a great cap. Quite the score. Congratulations on that, I ogled over it for as long as it was on there.
  13. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Kaiserliche Marine Seebataillion - Leutnant

    Really nice, I love Marine/Seebataillon items.
  14. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    It's Xmas Eve here

    A Merry Christmas to All.
  15. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    M49 Hessian

    A stunningly incredible piece.
  16. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    CCJ collection

    Beautiful, I'd really love to have a Generals' Helmet.
  17. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Can anyone help identify this, please?

    For what its worth, the Crown would appear to me to resemble the British design rather than the Dutch.