Argentine haube with parade plumes


New member
Hi all, my latest adquisition, an ing argentine haube, with carring case, the spike and parade plumes.
It belonged to an artillerie colonel, never in a collection before.
It is made in Berlin as the inner stamp says, but I cant read the name of the maker.
It laso came with a piece of paper from argentine army supply office.
Hope you like
Ps:the horsehair is quite dry, fragile and twisted, any advice on how to improve its condition???
That is a fantastic helmet! I would gently wash and blow-dry the plume; it is hair after all...

Fantastico!!!! Bravo! What a great find!!! I am very jealous!

I hate to disagree with anyone on the forum but you should under no circumstances blow dry the horsehair.

The hair is too dried out to do so and the heat would make it brittle and it would break.

It is very hard to determine the best course of stabilization by just looking at the pictures.

If the hair is very dry you must moisturize the hair by using a moisturizing shampoo and gently applying it to the hair. Let it air dry on a towel.

I would suggest that if you have any horse farms, or anything horse related they would be able to help you with suggesting a good shampoo.

Nice helmet!

I agree, talk to horse (and Museum) people about the plume, then don't do the entire thing at once, just a few hairs to see if it works. I have a lot of students and FB friends who show horses, I'll ask them as well. So, for now, hold tight until all of your options come in. :)

:D Ron
Hi, thanks all for the kind words, and advices, I am looking for 100 old horse hair tips! ha ha
Here some more pics, I am not an expert with the cam!
Keep in mind too that this is not horse hair, but buffalo hair (which is even finer). My friend, who is a maker of human hair wigs, says a gentle wash and dry is appropriate- I'll ask him if there is a specific product he would recommend...
I have washed old horse hair plumes for British heavy cavalry helmets using a mild shampoo and warm water,then letting them dry naturally, draped over a line,after running my fingers through them to spread the hairs for drying and give shape to the plume. I certainly wouldn't use a hair dryer, and, if you are tempted to use a brush to get a good finish, be very gentle!

Some people also suggest using a conditioner, but ,since I don't even use this for my own hair, I couldn't comment!

chinstrap said:
I have washed old horse hair plumes for British heavy cavalry helmets using a mild shampoo and warm water,then letting them dry naturally, draped over a line,after running my fingers through them to spread the hairs for drying and give shape to the plume. I certainly wouldn't use a hair dryer, and, if you are tempted to use a brush to get a good finish, be very gentle!

Some people also suggest using a conditioner, but ,since I don't even use this for my own hair, I couldn't comment!


I use a shampoo and conditioner combined for my hair and I'm slowly going bald.... :-? :???:

:D Ron