Artillary helmet?

Hey Jailbird,
The proportions do not seem right to me, and I do not remember the Kuble having vent holes in it, but the thing that would worry me the most is the zero feed back, not always true, as I scored a very nice set of Ruskie shoulder boars from a zero feed back seller, so it could be a bargin if you are willing to risk it.
Since he hasn't taken any pictures of the top of the helmet I don't know what to think but I don't get the warm and fuzzies.

Just from the sheer size of ball it looks like if the Artillery team ran out of ammo they could throw that ball into the breach...
Tony- I fgured you would get a kick out of it, I had to look twice to believe what I was seeing!

Hello Friends & Collectors,
Uneducated idiots will bid this piece up anyways! Just look @ all the garbage out there and the prices they bring-Most of the Ebay dealers are either "rookies" or devious scumbags-Temptation to join the "Dark Side" is always there!-King Weasel