Bavarian Trench Art


Staff member
I have posted photos of this piece of trench art before but that was years ago. This is one of my favourite pieces in my collection. I believe this to be from the 5th Bav. Inf. Regt. Grosherzog Ernst Ludwig von Hessen IIAK. If it were Prussian it would be GGR 5. However, if this were the case, I think that whoever made this would have indicated that. This was found during a house clearance here in Ontario decades ago and sold to me at a small Legion show in my area. Comments or further information is welcomed.
The numbers etc. were incised and then blackened with pencil to make them stand out. Whoever made this had some artistic talent in my opinion.
Yea...I knew you would rise to the bait!! :) Perhaps, if you stop being mean to me, I may leave it to you in my will!! :D
Hmm....maybe I should have some copies made to put on my table at the SOS??? ;) I wish I knew more about JR 5 though, the Canadians came up against the Bavarians on many occasions and of course there is that recent photo you found from Cambrai, Oct. 9, 1918