Brandenburg Kürassierhelm


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I saw that, but it looks like a doctored repro to me. The tombak is too gold and the contour of the neck guard isn't right. I'd like to hear more opinions on it.

:D Ron
I'm LOOKING for a 6th Kurassier (it's on the top of my 'to get' list), but this looks too much like the $90 replica I have, even though the neck guard on mine is contoured better, whereas this one is wrong. Here's what I see:

Liner: From an old helmet or a good repro (there are good ones out there!)
Shell: Brass, not tombak, the dome and visor have the same contour as my repro.
Spike base: same 'step' to the neck of the spike as my repro
Spike: a brass replacement (mine is silver), but the brass ones are sold on ebay de.
Chinscales: new made, but the fasteners are wrong, aren't they?
Plate: from a Pioneer helmet, which really lends a feel of authenticity to this, that silver on brass is very convincing.

this one just has too many question marks on it. It looks nice from the front, but loses it from the side in a big way, so it's like seeing a nice repro in an antiques mall; gets your heart pumping, then lets you down big time.

:D Ron
hmmm.. shell looks familiar. Just some silver rivets, new liner, some fixing under the visor and neck guard and..." onclick=";return false;

:-k :-k Ron