Early Christmas Present Bavarian Eigetumsstück Helmet


Well-known member

This one just arrived yesterday. I've never had one of these Eigetumsstück (Private Purchase) helmets before, and I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the shipping box, since I had only seen one photo of it and asked a few questions over the phone before deciding to commit to it. I simply got lucky. I can see why some collectors go after these private purchase enlisted helmets.

Looks like a lot of the fire gilt finish is still intact, just needs a wiping off with a cloth towel to get the dirt residue off the metal fittings. I think the Bavarian kokarde looks like it might be nickel-silver. There's a penciled name inside the helmet shell. Sorry that the photo didn't come out very well of the name, it was hard to get lighting inside the helmet to shoot the name. Can anyone read it? Helmet is also size 56 marked, and the wappen has screw posts for attachment. The black finish drooped a bit onto the front visor trim, probably from sitting up in a hot summer attic over the years.

I look forward to your comments.

All the Best,


Excellent gift from Santa, Alan! Absolutely wonderful!

Thank you for sharing it!
