Forum Updates

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1. After consultation with Brian, image width was bumped from 550 to 700.

2. Anyone using Internet Explorer 5.1 or higher, will have noticed the scroll-bar on the right was the same color as the scroll-track, so you could not see it. Now, the scroll bar should be dark-grey and the track white so it shows.
11 March 2008

Well, it took me a week to figure it out, and a few days to work up the nerve to run it, but:

Database type :: mysql4 Successfully updated:

Previous version :: 2.0.21
Updated version :: 2.0.22

It added quite a few security features etc to prevent hacking and a lot of code changes that I frankly do not understand.
Victory! I have been struggling with this for quite some time.

For anyone with smaller monitors or lower resolution settings viewing postings with images, something in the code bumped the buttons out past the right edge of any photo. Even if the image was narrow, it shoved the width out, resulting in a big blank space to the right of the image. This resulted in the text going waaaay over to the right, and the need to scroll horizontally which was very frustrating.

I figured out that it had to do with the 'Quote' and other buttons that used to be on the top right of each posting; they insisted on being to the right of the photo margin.


I moved the 'Quote' and other buttons to the bottom of the posting with the other buttons (see them down below?), and that seems to have solved the problem. I have tested it on a few computers, and hopefully now if anyone had to scroll to read text, it should be better. T
Forum was backed-up 15 March 2008 (in case I screwed up) and then successfully updated from 2.2 to 2.3.

This was the second upgrade which finally brings the forum completely up to date. We are now running 2.3.
After consultation with Brian, image width was bumped from 700 to 800.

I have checked this on lower resolutions, such as 960 X 720 and 1024 X 768 and the photos and text fit, especially after the Thu Mar 13, 2008 mod which moved the buttons below the posting. I do not think we can go any higher, and 800 should be a very acceptable photo on any screen. Naturally, there will always be someone who has to scroll, but I am hopeful this will be a happy medium.
At Brian's request, I have created a web page where you can donate to the server fees using Paypal.

This is a great forum. Now you can help it stay on the net.
Thank you T for all of your hard work!! Without you, we would have had no upgrades and improvements. Well done! All the best, Brian
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