German Disc Grenade carrier in action. Chest pack for dogs!!

Anthony Charles

New member
My work on German WWI hand grenades can be seen in Zeitschrift fuer Heereskunde, on Twitter and in Johan Somers latest Schiffer book. Here is something to add to it. Note the men in the top photo carry the breast 3-pack carrier for the discus grenade. The lower photo shows a German Shepard in a trench with the same carrier on it's chest. Makes me think of Hasso von Manteufel's book in which he spoke of his experiences with the Russian "tank mine dogs". Ahem, the Germans would never stoop to such barbaric use of "arme Hunde"!

"Wenn Wein und Frauen gingen verloren. Dann besser nie geboren!" Or maybe I should paraphrase this: "Wenn kaiserliche Militariasammeln gingen verloren....."

Us old guys wistfully think back to to the olden days in the 1960s and 70s then Pickelhauben and other such stuff was plentiful and learning about it wasn't treated like some kind of rocket science I like to leave some degree of mystery and like to research and uncover the "secrets" myself. I remember having to ask Chip Minx about a zillion questions. He and a few of the old breed were the fountainhead from which the spring of knowledge flowed. Hats off to you Chip! Tony