Identifying and valuing three Pickelhaube


New member
I have to apolgize since I asked for help here several months back and then lost the information. I am helping a late friend's wife dispose of her hubands belongings. Included in his various collections were three, untouched Pickelhaube. An enlisted man's (EM) M15 (1915) Prussian haubes, a pre war EM Prussian Garde/Guard Artillery Regts haube, and a a pre war EM Prussian Line infantry regt haube. I believe those descriptions are correct but would like some corroboration. Also, how do I put a selling price on these? I am not knowledgeable about this area of collecting.
Thanks again for your help.






Hi Cadj:
You are correct in your identification of each of these helmets. However, as to value I can only provide the broadest of guide lines. The most valuable is the Garde Artillery helmet, second the Prussian M15 with grey fittings, the Prussian M95 last . Condition is everything in this business. Unfortunately, your Garde Arty helmet is missing a lot of finish and the M95 its rear visor. Approx value of the Garde Arty $600US, M95 $300, M15 $450. Again, I must emphasize that these are approx values off the top of my head, they could be completely wrong if these are sold at auction and you have bidders competing with one another. Well marked Garde Arty helmets are rare. Regarding selling, if it is Ebay do not start with these prices start lower and let bidders increase the price for you. Brian
Thanks Brian,
I appreciate your help with these. I will post them on Ebay and see what happens. Is it appropriate to link to the ebay listing on the "pickelhaubes on Ebay" sub forum? Some sites have rules against such self promotions.
Again, thanks for the help.