I'm back at home

Wellcome back Max. Here is something for you. And no, it is not on Kaiser's Bunker yet, first time for you. T

Wahoooo!!! Tony :shock: ! It's really a nice gift for my coming back in the forum! Very nice set of the 2. GUR. Any marks? Soon in the bunker of our little beloved dog? :lol: All my congratulations Tony for this very nice display :p

Hey Max,
I think it is very nice of Tony to give you such a nice set. It will look good in your collection, Shall we meet at the bunker with the truck to save Tony the cost of shipping?
Hey Otto,
Good luck, I am not afraid of Tony's little green wagon. The real problem to trucking Tony's stuff, is the attack dogs he employs. I can not find a way to get around them. I think the best thing for us to do, is to declare Tony's collection ours, then we appoint Tony to take care of it. The real problem with that, is Tony is going to expect us to pay him for his services. (not to mention feeding the attack dogs)
Best wishes
PS The best place to store our collection would Eastern Canada, a good central location to all the owners. The best thing for this location is we can probably rent Tony's bunker. Now we need to find out how much we need to pay Tony to take care of his collection for us, and since he is not busy, maybe he could get busy writing that book too.