Infanterist Alex Durr, March 1915


New member
With borrowed equipment, two weeks before being deployed to Vogesen. A great picture I thought worth sharing.


Original size image

Letter on reverse (as it appears on the card):

---beantwortet am 28.III. 1915 JW----[?]
Josef Walter
S.M.S. Rheinland
5. Division

Vogesen; 18. Apr.1915
Lieber Freund Sepp!
Als Andenken diese Auf=
nahme vom 5.III.15 in ent=
lehnter Ausrüstung. Deinen
Brief erhalten, herzliche Gratula=
tion zur Beförderung. Seit
5 Tage im "Graben". Näch=
stens mehr. Karte erhälst
Du über München.
Besten Gruß Dein treuer
Freund Alex Derr
This is very interesting, we have often discussed the equipment in these photos, and this is the first time there was proof that the equipment was "borrowed" whether from the depot, or from the photographer, we can not be suer, but I suspect the photographer borrowed it from the depot. That would explain the photos we have seen with parade straps on the Tornister. Very interesting photo.
Also note his trousers made of corduroy. In normal greeting cards sent back home, nobody would usually write much about the uniform he wears. But this picture is evidently addressed to his friend who is in the army as well and would recognize a mismatch - hence his hint, I suppose.
It looks like this soldier is Bavarian (by the buttons on his tunic) and I have understood that the Bavarians were issued a lot of corduroy trousers.
Hey Brett, could we see a scan of the back of the card?
drakegoodman said:
---beantwortet am 28.III. 1915 JW----[?]
Hey Brett,
JW is Josef Walter, he made notations when he answered his mail, very organized.
Best wishes