Lachmann before and after


Just some quick before and after shots of a Lachmann metalhelm. This one sat on ebay for a long time and I made an offer on it and got it for a good price. It's my first metal helmet resto. The only repro part is the chinstrap.


Nice result on this one
There is a big difrence but stil has the look of beeing an old one an not a bling bling

Thanks for kind words. I should note the before picture is from the ebay listing and under different lighting. The difference in the shades of gray aren't as pronounced as the pictures indicate.

This one was challenging. The rust removal was very tedious and time-consuming. You have to balance removing the corrosion without damaging the underlying metal. The end result was worth it.

Well done Richard, a very nice restoration of the exterior. Some additional pics of the interior would be appreciated. Can you describe the chemicals and methods used to clean up the exterior? I am always looking for new ways of restoring helmets. :thumb up:
Hi Brian,

I'll get some interior photos up soon. As far as the methodology for cleaning, I used Evaporust for the heavier rust and then Blue and Rust Remover by Birchwood Casey. This stuff is for gun restoration so I figured it would work. I soaked #0000 steel wool and used it to clean the remaining rust in the various cracks and crevices. Like I said it was a tedious process but the results were worth the effort. I have another one I'm working on and I'll post some pics of it too (if anyone's interested).

One more thing, if you try this be careful about getting either chemical on the interior. If there is any rust hidden below the paint it will remove both rust and paint. I found this out the hard way. Luckily I didn't lose too much of the original finish.

Also, make sure you do this in a well ventilated area. The fumes can be pretty overwhelming so take the proper precautions.
