Long hair Wurty.

Good God Paul!! What a shockingly, convoluted conversational anecdote! I remember distinctly announcing that it was the North West Passage that Her Majesty's Government of Canada claims, not the North, South Poles, Santa Claus or the Penguins eh!! Good thing that I was completely sober and have a firm grasp of events. Brian
Sorry, Brian, I was standing right beside you when you anounced that Canada owned the north pole, and the comment, Why don’t they understand that?" "was uttered by your very mouth. I have to admit I missed the penguin story. The real scary part of this, is that we had a law enforcement officer at the party, and he seems to remember way too much of what went on.
Best wishes
As a long time amateur scholar of the polar regions, I'd like to mention the United States is one of the few nations to have explored Antarctica and not claim Antarctic territory. The U.S. makes no claims on land it cannot populate.

Consequently, the penguins belong to Australia, Great Britain, France, New Zeland, Germany, Norway, Russia, Japan, etc.

I'm not sure about Canada.
