Marking of Reproduction Helmets and Helmet Parts


New member
I have been pondering the best way to mark the reproduction helmets and helmet parts I will be offering. I know that my approach is not original, but I think it is the best way to permanently mark my reproduction helmets and helmet parts so they do not get passed off as originals.

Somewhere I heard that another seller was marking his parts and finished helmets with a UV dye. This wasn't absolutely satisfactory because many of the UV dies on the market are water or alcohol soluble.

Finally, I think I have found a UV marking product that cannot be easily compromised. It won't be perfect, to be sure, but I am sure that it will slow down most of the lower life forms in the marketplace.

I'll keep you posted of my progress. When I return home in a few weeks, I hope to have quite a wide range of high quality parts to offer the collecting and reenacting communites.

