New collection with a Tshapka


I am new to the site, so I hope I am following the rules. I am going to post all 6 headgear items I acquired in the correct categories I hope.
I mainly collect wwii helmets so my knowledge of these is very limited. I recently acquired an amazing collection of WWI German headgear. Any info you can add to what I have would be appreciated. Please point out the flaws if any.
Is it an M1914?
Is the insignia correct?
Is the cord correct, and is there a guide on how to attach it


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It seems original, it is 7th ulanen regiment ( like the one I posted, cord is fangschnur, but seems not correct,
Well that is very nice. It has the M1894 Mounted Troops chinscales in gilt for all three Garde Ulanen Regt. What matters is what metal the fittings are made of. Brass or Neusilber (nickel silver) for 1 and 3 GUR. The removable top was introduced in 1914 and then to all the grey metal Tschapka on the M1915. Perhaps you have seen this example with the non removable top. So if your Garde eagle Wappen is not magnetic steel, you have a combination of pre 1914 fittings with the 1915 top which means it was made 1915 or later. These are quite desirable in my opinion and I have several like this example. Cords just loop around the toggle, but as mentioned originals are flat. You can see some on my web site. So you can fling that cord somewhere as it doesn’t even look good. What is very fortunate is that your Prussian Feldzeichen appears original. These are usually missing or have a replica attached. Note also the specific way the liner is sewn on, always square fingers and it’s sewn under the visor on the front. Excellent Tschapka.
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Thank you all for the input. I was gifted this collection and know very little about how it was acquired. I am working on those details. I will report back if anything else turns up.
Well that is very nice. It has the M1894 Mounted Troops chinscales in gilt for all three Garde Ulanen Regt. What matters is what metal the fittings are made of. Brass or Neusilber (nickel silver) for 1 and 3 GUR. The removable top was introduced in 1914 and then to all the grey metal Tschapka on the M1915. Perhaps you have seen this example with the non removable top. So if your Garde eagle Wappen is not magnetic steel, you have a combination of pre 1914 fittings with the 1915 top which means it was made 1915 or later. These are quite desirable in my opinion and I have several like this example. Cords just loop around the toggle, but as mentioned originals are flat. You can see some on my web site. So you can fling that cord somewhere as it doesn’t even look good. What is very fortunate is that your Prussian Feldzeichen appears original. These are usually missing or have a replica attached. Note also the specific way the liner is sewn on, always square fingers and it’s sewn under the visor on the front. Excellent Tschapka.
The eagle is magnetic., so from what you listed, I think it is an M1914 Garde Ulanen Regt Tschapka with M1894 Chinscales. The fitting are brass, so I am assuming regt 1. I have been using your site as the information there is amazing. I listed all the helmets separately, but can I list all the non-helmet items for identification and opinions on this forum? I want to list the items on my website with the correct identification. The items are not being sold. Thank you again for your help.
The eagle is magnetic., so from what you listed, I think it is an M1914 Garde Ulanen Regt Tschapka with M1894 Chinscales. The fitting are brass, so I am assuming regt 1. I have been using your site as the information there is amazing. I listed all the helmets separately, but can I list all the non-helmet items for identification and opinions on this forum? I want to list the items on my website with the correct identification. The items are not being sold. Thank you again for your help.
If the eagle is magnetic, then you have a regular M1915 Tschapka, as Tony wrote. On these, all steel fittings were painted or chemically treated to be (pewter) gray in color. Guard eagles often missed the central badge, like yours. Your pictures do not show the color of metal L1040765.JPGfittings very clearly. On the picture of the inside, it seems that the visor trim was originally gray, but was repainted in a different color. Am I right?
This is different from the rarer early 1915 model, on which the mortarboard was detachable while the plate and trim were still made of shiny brass or silver/nickel (aka maillechort). Here are such Tschapkas (GUR2 and UR7) to complement the model shown by Tony:
You will also notice that the two chinscales are different. The left one (when facing the helmet) is correct, but the other one is not. There is a striated ring that should not be present, and it seems the metal has been torn to fit the M91 post. I am not aware of this model of chinscale, that I have never seen on Imperial German headgear.
If your Tschapka is a conventional M15 model with gray magnetic fittings, it should not sport chinscales anyway, but a leather chinstrap. Chinscales are only correct if you have one of these early 1915 examples with brass fittings. Then you should try to find a real right chinscale. You have a nice Tschapka anyway. These removable metallic mortarboards are impossible to find as spare parts.

Apologies for the long blurb... In conclusion, could you check that the metal fittings on your helmet were not initially gray in color, but were later painted gold ? My bad if I am wrong...
The plot thickens on this collection.
The grandfather was in WWI and collected with his son

Born: 06/10/1896 Leibsig, Germany

- served in Calvary (wounded)
-infantry -Alpine Division 10th Jägar -green pin

-Became US Citizen 02/21/1933

I believe i have his medals and insignia.
What hat is he holding in the early picture?


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These were separate in a box, would they be 'more correct than what is on it?


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Yes, these are correct if of the correct length. Do you have an answer to my question about metal fittings: brass or gold painted gray steel ?
I don't see any grey on the eagle...


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Have you taken the eagle off and checked the reverse side for grey paint? Looking at your close up of the visor, the grey trim looks to have been over painted with gold.
If the original Grey finish was a parkerizing type finish rather than Grey paint under that gold, I have personally had success removing old paint from parkerized surfaces using acetone and an old toothbrush. It doesn't really seem to affect the old parkerized finish at all.

If it is Grey paint under the gold though, I would NOT use acetone.
The plot thickens on this collection.
The grandfather was in WWI and collected with his son

Born: 06/10/1896 Leibsig, Germany

- served in Calvary (wounded)
-infantry -Alpine Division 10th Jägar -green pin

-Became US Citizen 02/21/1933

I believe i have his medals and insignia.
What hat is he holding in the early picture?
The shoulder straps look like Jager Batl 10 to me