New Member Activation


Staff member
We are having some troubles with new members getting their account activated here on the forum. The automatic system is not working properly and I have to go into the admin panel and manually activate the new account. All I need is your username, the one you registered with. I do not need password or email address. We are going to be switching servers soon and I hope this can be fixed at that time. So if your can't register, email [email protected] with that username and I will get the account activated. I appreciate your patience.
Yes....myself included. Technology always screws up....thus, I will never buy a driverless auto, not that I could ever afford one. We do have a tech glitch here at this time, concerning new registrations, this will be fixed using the donations contributed by "real" members and thanks to them. Anyone else, have no right to complain.

a French guy contacted me by a other forum, saying he wanted to get a membership here but was unable to do so up to now.
Could you give him a help, please.
stuka f said:

Anyone who has registered and needs to be activated can contact me directly via email, I am happy to help. I am Brian's "Third Line" behind Logan.

My email is on my want list pages:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Thank you Tony, I always know you have my back. The forum would not work without your help!
Just a reminder to all members or potential ones. The registration is no longer "automatic" due to excessive spamming here. All new members need to send me their user name and I will activate them manually or Tony will. Here is my email once again: [email protected]