new member


hello, I am a new forum member and I collect militaria, albeit not just german militaria, mostly because i cant find anything like that where i am.
i will probably just be here for collecting some uniform information and whatnot.
Welcome to the forum!
A lot of info here on helmets, but also on uniforms, little bit less on organisation and equipment.
Where I live there isn't a lot of militaria to be found either, but the internet has provided me with some very nice buys.
Do you have a particular area of interest?
Welcome to the forum!
A lot of info here on helmets, but also on uniforms, little bit less on organisation and equipment.
Where I live there isn't a lot of militaria to be found either, but the internet has provided me with some very nice buys.
Do you have a particular area of interest?
Hello lars, my particular area of interest is the helmets and soft caps, I particularly like cavalry equipment. I like the cavalry Tschapkas, Busby and Metalhelme. but I have a soft spot for ersatz helmets.
No there is no list of rules here, we have never needed one. The unwritten rule is to treat all members with respect and be polite. We are all ladies and gentlemen here. However, anyone who tries to engage in silly, petty adolescent behaviour will be quickly dealt with. Again thank you for joining us and do not hesitate to ask questions.
No there is no list of rules here, we have never needed one. The unwritten rule is to treat all members with respect and be polite. We are all ladies and gentlemen here. However, anyone who tries to engage in silly, petty adolescent behaviour will be quickly dealt with. Again thank you for joining us and do not hesitate to ask questions.
Thank you.