Pictures for lists


Well-known member
I vote that we make a rule and general announcement on this forum and pin it that says: any pictures posted on this forum comes with the automatic permission of the owner to be used and posted on one of the example lists.

This keeps me from asking and bothering people.
I think it would be a good idea, but I believe that any photos that are posted on the forum already come with permission to be viewed, does it really matter if they are moved to another thread on the forum? The only place I can see that you would need permission is to publish them on another website or in a book.
Best wihses
I keep the lists on my own website. Therefore, I prefer to have permission. Perhaps restricting it to pictures of marks.
Wow. I am afraid that I do not like this idea even a little bit. It basically tells anyone that they forfeit their photos of markings to be used on another site. I know it is probably a pain to keep asking, but at least then you are getting the photo owner's permission. I know that I would want to at least have the option.
Okay no problem it was just an idea.

I know it is probably a pain to keep asking,

Yes frankly it is a pain -- not so much if you get a yes or no answer but often you get no reply. No big thing if the lists weren't hit that much but internationally the lists get a huge number of sessions. I will keep asking.
Joe, I know it is a pain but I agree that the safest thing is to always ask. Great talking to you by the way, keep safe, Brian
The worst example would be to have an other member copyright your photo on his site ,then you run into problemd.
I know iam the worst photograhper , and JOE you are more than welcome to any i post , butit is not YOU I am afraid of doing this.