
A friend of father's once got arrested for being drunk, he was un able to walk when the officer nabbed him, and he asked the cop to help him to his car, as he was too drunk to walk, but he thought he could drive OK. He spent the night in town that night. The problem with allowing people to drive drunk, is that after one drinks a bit, their judgment is impaired enought that they can not tell when they go past the legal drunk limit. Any one who would drive in this fellow's condition probbly was impaired before he started to drink.
One of my uncles university friends was in an accident when he was D.U.I. His leg was cut up pretty bad- and the doctor didn't even use anesthetic- the guy was so drunk he couldn't even feel the stiches going in.
gus not to far east of where i live a farmer was arested for DUI he had his lisence pulled ,he then was caught going to the local pub on his tractor and was again nailed for dui.
Some guys never learn