
New member
Gentlemen, as a newly joined member this is my first posting. I would be interested in knowing your collective opinion of the following ebay auction
No, I am not interested in the offering per se but rather more what it may say about the offerer. Bill H
Anthony run away. :-x

It is an LG helmet which is territorial police. The extra holes come from the addition of the FWR plate. The dome studs are wierd and I do not trust the heighth of the trichter. The horse hair is probably fake. I do not like the wappen. Besides that It is perfect. I had a long ago visit with this dealer and had a poor experience. :x
Thanks. I felt that the wappen, trichter, and the horsehair all looked surprisingly new given their purported age. The helmet shell could be anything. I was more curious about the dealer inasmuch as he has for sale several USMC officer mameluke swords as manufactured by Wilkinson. This highly respected UK maker has discontinued sword production as of September 2005. "Tridentsales", the seller of the helmet, is the offerer of several "remaindered" swords. Based on your experience I would now shy away from those as well. The "augen auf" is much appreciated!
I think it's awful too, and Nottingham seems to flash warning a lot these days. Apart from everything Joe mentioned, that whole black makeover inside seems to bother me too on this. Would'nt touch it with a barge pole.
this guy has some really nice stuff and expensive too many of the items are geniune ,he has his own website same as his name and a big shop from what i know ,i did have the pleasure to own an original plume and it was not the same as that at all the hair its self looked slightly crimped and there was mases of it, the top was also different ,i dont know a lot towards you guys but it just doesnt look right ,the plume cost me £400 about $ 720
The crimped hair sounds like Buffalo hair. Here is a starter article.

$700 for the officers plume is a bit steep for my desires.

I visited the shop several years ago. I talked to the owner. Pickelhaubes were not his major item, but he tried to pass an obvious reproduction. Off to me. When I pointed out the defects, he suddenly became very busy in another part of the store.
thx for the link couldnt get it to work ,i know longer have it sold it on one of my helmets for 300gbp so he got a good deal just needed an original or so i thought never will know, to have some made if it was it was very good ,no doubt some of you guys will have a slight grin on my behalf but in all good fun ,thx for the reply joe
just looked at your site joe the plume was the same as the one on the saxon thats what i mean by crimp looking