Restoration and the SOS Louisville


Staff member
In recent years, I have had a number of members bring their helmets in need of a bit of work to the SOS, so that I could take them back with me to Canada for repair. I also have stitched leather holsters for customers. Consequently, if you are going to the Show and fall into this category or would like a free quote on cost I will be at the Show from Thursday pm until Saturday closing. I use the tables as my home base for the Show and you can track me down there. I look forward as always to meeting up with members. :)
Hello Brian,
I really enjoy your restaurtion posts and hope you can give me an advice for my own little repair :)

I would like to repair my Wappen, which was already repaired in imperial times. But unfortunately one of these solderings got broken, as I re-assembled the helmet again after I took the Wappen off to check the backside (Please have a look to the Leg of the little Eagle on the Scepter):
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Can you recommend a silver solder and flux to repair the soldering without ruining the fire-gilding? Or can I use any modern solder with integrated flux for goldsmith supplies?
Thank you so much for your answer and a merry Christmas for you and your loving ones :D