Site Upgrade Complete


Staff member
The upgrade to our forum site has now been completed. There was some down time but this was relatively short compared to the work that had to be done. The site had not been updated since 2011 and some files had been corrupted somehow, which was unexpected. It took the tech 7 hrs to complete his work. The original background "theme"/colour unfortunately, could not be duplicated with the new 2018 software now being used. Consequently, members will notice this change. However, the site will be faster and the features available to members is now more convenient and modern. The automatic registration feature for new members, has also been fixed so that problem is no longer with us. We now have a new host and full tech support. I would appreciate being made aware of any "glitches" that members may encounter.....let me know. My thanks to all for their patience! Brian
Cannot get it to fit my screen, it is about 1/3 the size of normal, everything is very small?


I am happy with the new lay-out of the forum.
It took me only 5 minutes to adjust my slowly decaying mind to it..

Keep up the good work!

Greetings, Coert :thumb up:
Well using my incredible computer programming experience, was able to fix the screen fit problem, thanks Google search!

Life is good again, and no more panic.

Well done, congratulations, I have no problem with the new layout.

Two minor things that admin can do something about:
- if I click on a thumbnail then the picture opens up in the same tab, and I can't use the arrows to see the other pictures in the same post; instead, I have to use the "back" arrow on my browser and select the next picture; is that how it was meant to be, or just my browser settings?
- contributors to a post (oddly now shown left, but I'm sure I can get used to that) show a pinkish banner if they're online (e.g. while I'm writing this, LeBrasseur and Coert appear to be online, but below it shows: "Users browsing this forum: Lars13 and 0 guests", which doesn't match?

I'm just very happy the forum is back online, got a bit worried when this domain enterprise showed up instead.

Do not worry about this Lars, I was online, but usually I get off, and look at other sites, so I can be on and off-line every hour or so. :)