Unread topics - display status


New member
Just a short question about the new forum software.

In the old forum unread topics automatically changed to gray after some days, even if I did not read them. This way I could see at a glimpse if there were any really new topic in a subforum. In the new forum, unread topics seem to stay red forever until I read them - is there an option to change this? I had a look at the control panel but did not find anything.
ebeeby said:
Have you tried the "view new posts" in the upper right hand corner? Great feature.

Actually, if you make THAT your link to get to the forum, the forum opens up showing only the new postings.

Once you clsoe your browser for the evening, the next day only new postings will show. Even ones you did not look at the day before will be gone. This is how I do it. T