Using Sudsy Amonia To Clean Parts


Well-known member
I was given this trick by Randy T. to clean gilted and unguilted brass parts.

It works fine and is not harsh on the parts . The hard part is finding it . Here in the New Orleans I could not find it although it was in every grocery store 10 years ago. I found my bottle in Florida .

First 2 shots are from an untouched plate . The third pic I washed the right side only.

I need to clean up the verdigris spots but there is a subtle difference .

You must neutralize the ammonia after you are do. This can be done with a couple of re-cleans with soapy water or baking soda in water.

Not bad :) . Personally I now use Hagerty silver foam after seeing it recommended on this forum, the results with Hagerty are amazing!
It works fine and is not harsh on the parts . The hard part is finding it . Here in the New Orleans I could not find it although it was in every grocery store 10 years ago. I found my bottle in Florida .
by member pickelhauben

I've used the "Parsons" brand of sudsy ammonia for probably 25-years. Problem now is that they apparently don't make it any more from what I understand, and I'm guessing you might have found some "old stock" in Florida that was still on the shelf. Parsons still makes and sells their "lemon" & "household ammonia". Not sure why "sudsy ammonia" is not manufactured anymore, and I'm wondering if it had been an ingredient in the making of such nefarious things as the "methamphetamine" drug or something similar. :eek:

Apparently it can be replicated to some extent by adding a detergent to regular household cleaning ammonia, from recipes googled on the internet.

The product also works well on nickel silver fittings as well.

My experience with it is that if you have the mercury fire gilt fittings that have gone dark (like often times happens with decades old acid etched fingerprints and the likes) it does not remove the dark stains.

I would agree with Pontiac9999 with the Hagerty silver foam from the results I've seen from Brian using it. That looks like a great product. I have not tried it yet myself, however.

Best Regards,

I have never used the Sudsy Amonia product as to my knowledge, it has never been available here in Canada. I have used Easy Off Oven Cleaner courtesy of conversations with T Schnurr. You have to be careful with this and spray, leave it on for 60 sec then wash off, and repeat. I also use Nevr Dull, Haggerty's, and a buffing wheel plus jeweller's rouge I use strictly Haggerty's on wappen , scrubbing with a soft wet toothbrush and water. Judging from the pics in this post, Haggerty does a better job. On old posts I also listed a formula given to me by the late Geo Berringer which he used on clock workings and pickelhauben parts. So there is lots of information out there.