Yemeni Janbiya Dagger - Moth Infested Belt


Well-known member
From Wikipedia: Janbiya, also spelt janbia, jambiya, and jambia is the Arabic term for dagger, but it is generally used to describe a specific type of dagger with a short curved blade that is worn on a belt. It is mostly associated with the people of Yemen... Men typically above the age of 14 wear it as an accessory to their clothing (kind of like cowboys and their Colt revolvers back in 19th Century USA).

Anyhew, to make a long story short, my late father got this Janbiya dagger & belt as a gift from a friend returning from a business trip to Yemen a few years back when things were much calmer there.

The belt--which is made of leather, black fabric and silver-washed accessories and ornaments--got moth infected with all sorts of tiny insects living and feeding off it (when looking closely enough, you could even see small insect larvae nesting & proliferating in there!).

I know Yemen has nothing to do with Imperial Germany but we face similar issues with our natural fabric uniforms and accessories... So what would be the best way to stop those insects from eating my belt ?
Here's a few snapshots:



A hard freeze, followed by a period of warm, and then another hard freeze, the warm period will allow any eggs to hatch, and the second freeze should keill them, we have a stickied thread somewhere on this topic.
Hey Ron,
Check out the stickied thread just above this one, the second thread on this forum.
Thanks Gus; I'll try this in my fridge freezer at it's the only one I've got access to. Let's hope it'll work!