A not bad copy - Look closely, though.


New member
Greetings, All!

This one made me think for a moment:


A prize to the guy who spots the almost comical mistake first.

I'll check back in a few hours.



ps. In fairness, this chap has some pretty nice repros and is very nice to deal with. Cheers, L.
you want to try looking on www.derrittmeister.com you may find you have put your foot in your mouth as it has 8 stars too oops ,except hes listed it as artillery i have bought of this gentleman they are very good and well made and he will go out of his way to help you ,i have originals only a few but the two i have bought do not look out of place against any of them
this is my second post the other was for saying i pinch photos which i dont and use them to sell on ebay ,all i can say is all you can do is call everyone else and thats sad ,all my parts and skulls are hand made and are as close to the originals as i can as they are made from original parts ,the plates are not electro-formed they are hand pressed , i have loads of books for references and other on-line sources ,the only thing different if any is the cockades which are officers ,look here i cant see anything comical www.militaria-online.de ,i can sell these till the cows come home so its water of a ducks back, have a nice day :lol: :lol:
Alright, everyone, I can't stand it!

Otto may have had the correct answer, but his answer wasn't clear enough.

Have a look at the wappen. What do you see? I did a double-take the first time I saw it:

The lion and hind are inverted! Somehow, the photo got flipped horizontally.

No biggie, but rather interesting little twist.

Incidentally, Gary (gsm7) is a very decent guy to deal with. I owed him an apology for making fun at his expense and have done that.

There you go. All part of learning in more ways than one.

Kind regards,

Respected Gentlemen Mr Guest and Mr gsm7
In first place I want you to continue being the educated and gentile people that you showed to be.
You two are not old members of this forum, for that reason me I will forgive the indelicacy and the lack of education that both demonstrated.
I am a person with difficulties with the language English, a lot of times I need to use the translator " Globalink Power Translator Pro " (I am using now), to communicate, besides, in case you root ( or were? ) effective members of this forum, you would know that I am not an old collector and with vast knowledge in the matter Pickelhaube. I just answered to the question to test, in spite of the difficulty with the language, if I am learning. A lot of times I don't get to understand right a certain subject, because of the slangs, of the inherent expressions to the country of who is writing, and of the abbreviations of the words. A lot of times, that that I write cannot be very clear, or to seem without sense, but even so, I continue trying to understand more and more, I try to help and to be helped, and I am interested, mainly, for the people and not for the things. I believe that, for materialistic people, this is something difficult to understand, but even so, I forgive you.

Otto ( yes, I have a name )
Hi Guys,

In fairness to all, this little incident points out a number of important points:

1. We are treading on sensitive ground when we criticize (rightly or wrongly) someone else's work.

We, as enthusiastic collectors are keen to learn but sometimes might get a wee bit carried away.

2. Although this is largely an English language forum, some of our best contributors are participating in a language that is not their mother tongue. We should be grateful that they make the effort - believe me, it is a big one!

3. When criticism does come down the pipe, and it's directed at you, take it on the chin - It is, after all, meant to be constructive.

The flipside is, if someone is criticizing maliciously, they should be shown the gate.

Enough said, Gary corrected his original eBay ad. In the name of learning and maybe a little mischief, the photo, below, is what I saw originally.



ps. to Otto, Thank you for being so gracious. L.

Hey Otto,
Do not let any one make you feel bad. We will stand up for you. Your English is not a problem, it is great to be able to communicate with so many people who do not use English.
As for the flipped photo, this used to be a fairly common problem with emulsion photos, but with the use of digital imaging, it is not so easy to do. I find it interresting when I see photos of US made vehicles in UK publications from WWII, it is not uncommon for the proof reader to filp the photo so the vehicle will be a right hand drive (or is that wrong hand drive).
Best wihses
I think I am not alone in saying that you are appreciated very much on this board. You are the genius loci, the guardian spirit of the place. Your humor and humanity are two things which make the board special. It would not be the same without you!:D
Take care, my friend,
Unfortunately, I cannot afford to own the pickelhaube I love. The one, and only, haube I have is a repro Wurrtemberg infantry officer's haube I purchased from gsm7. It's good enough to display in my office and it's a great conversation starter!

I'll just have to keep saving my pennies so I can finally afford to purchase the Prussian Garde du Corps officer's parade haube and the Saxon Garde Reiter officer's parade haube I've always wanted. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, and Otto, I too think you are one of the people who makes this forum, and the other forums I see you on, great!! :mrgreen: