More Dunkelblau - hard and fast rules for cuffs?


New member
In the course of my exploration looking for a "first" tunic, I came across this piece purportedly belonging to the Rheinisches Infanterie Regiment Nr.65.
Kaiser's bunker offers a large list of the regiments and their subsequent uniform details (brief though). The site's sources and some cursory googles of period photos show recruits with Brandenburg cuffs (here we see "Swedish"). Would regiments have strict rules on cuff style or was this subject to change often? I haven't found a source specifically addressing this. Any input is appreciated.

I do have some sources purchased so I can bother the fine citizenry of Picklehaubes less : )

Cuff patterns were strictly regulated, so strange to see something else than Brandenburg cuffs. The rest of the uniform looks correct for IR 65. Maybe he had a different role in the regiment and these cuffs identify him as such, but nothing that I know of.
Cuff patterns were strictly regulated, so strange to see something else than Brandenburg cuffs. The rest of the uniform looks correct for IR 65. Maybe he had a different role in the regiment and these cuffs identify him as such, but nothing that I know of.
It appears this 1 year volunteer purchased his Waffenrock
from the Kammer