Our fearless leader in the girls room.


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Just to spread the tabloid information around. Janet and I had lunch with Brian and Caron yesterday in Destin Florida. Not only did Brian wear shorts in the sub freezing weather but when he had to go to the facilities he went to the girls room… Just saying… We need to keep an eye on him.
Just what I needed......my misfortune spread all over the internet :) I am a stranger in a strange land whenever I cross the 49th and travel South. They have confusing customs and in this case confusing signage which resulted in my inadvertently doing my business in a female washroom. I was initially perplexed, at the lack of urinals but nature’s call was strong so I proceeded quickly did my thing and then got out of there. Fortunately, I was not joined by any female company during this adventure :? God knows in today’s Feminist climate I could have ended up in jail sharing a cell with some Dude named Bubba! One thing, it is never boring when Joey is around :thumb up:
Actually, you would not have been jailed as long as you said that you were unsure of your gender, in the US, it is common for people not to know for sure if they are a boy or a girl and it is considered rude to assume some one's gender. And for that reason, most states allow men to use the women's restrooms with out worry of prosecution.