The Big Bang Theory #14: 17cm SK L/40 Cartridge Casing

Tony without Kaiser

Staff member
Marine week continues....

This one rocks. Over a meter tall... A Marine 17cm SK L/40 cartridge casing.

Click HERE for full details and photographs.

another great shell casing and history. I'm wondering if the "relaoding" markings were on Imperial Navy shells or were the Army Artillery shells also marked with the "reloaded marking"??? Hope this question makes sense to you!! Dick
All Cartridge Casings are marked to keep track of reloads. They have to. There was probably a maximum number of times even if the casing met the quality control specifications. You got a 17cm didn't you?
Tony; Yes I did get one, thanks to you!! None of mine have the "reload" markings though. It makes sense to have kept track of how many times they were reloaded, as the cases could get pretty thin! Cheers Dick