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  1. W

    Fixed spike M15 helmets

    Back in 2011 there was an interesting discussion on the forum about these variants and I wonder if we might revive the topic to see if any fresh information about them has come to light since. I have attached photos of my Prussian infantry example which was made by Wilhelm "something" of...
  2. W

    Posting photos - the latest

    Gentlemen Am I right in thinking that, under the new site format, it is now possible to post photos without the need for a third party such as Picorator? If so, can someone please guide me on how to transfer a photo from Microsoft's documents and insert it into a forum post? Many thanks. WEIMAR
  3. W

    Bullet versus blade

    Some years ago this came into a friend's antique shop from a house clearance. I have no other provenance. It is a standard British WW1 jack knife which has received a hit from a Mauser bullet. The bullet must have been fired from extreme range to have lost enough energy not to have gone through...
  4. W

    Baden Filzhelm

    Hi All This is not really a latest find as I have owned it for about 50 years. It is a Baden Filzhelm without front peak trim or rear spine. The front plate is steel ( it attracts a magnet ) and in the photos it appears to be a grey colour. In fact, it is a dark green but I cannot tell if it...
  5. W

    Bremen - even more photos

    Gradually losing the will to live - but here is another or others. WEIMAR
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    Bremen - more photos

    More photos, I hope. WEIMAR
  7. W

    Bremen M1891 - second attempt!

    Hi all Skipper John has kindly helped me use Picorator so hopefully some pictures will be attached. I recently got this helmet which appears to be an M1891. It is much heavier than any M1895, has wide front and rear peaks, no ventilator on back spine, large domes on the side posts and the...
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    Bremen 75th Infantry

    I want to post some pictures of an M1891 Bremen pickelhaube, but, being a newbie, I am finding it a problem. So...........this is just a test run. If I have successfully attached a picture I will then do a proper posting/ Thanks for your indulgence! WEIMAR
  9. W

    Tin "kit" helmets

    I would be interested in members' thoughts on a question about the black enamelled tin "kit" pickelhauben. Larcade states that they were made by Weissenburger of Stuttgart-Canstadt. However, many of them display under the front peak the logo of Firma von der Heyden of Berlin. Col J mentions this...
  10. W

    Regimental markings on M79 Reichsrevolver

    I am hoping that forum members can help me decipher the marks on my Prussian issue M79 Reichsrevolver. There is a crossed out mark which is 1.R.A.G.2.58. I guess that this could be 1st Guard Reserve Field Artillery 2nd battery weapon 58. Does that sound OK? A second mark, not crossed out, is...