84th Infanterie Regiment in the Franco Prussian War


I recently acquired a Pickelhaube from the 84th IR dated 1871 which I am restoring at the moment (pics to come soon), Can anyone help me with regard to this Regiments involvement in the Franco Prussian war.
Any pics or Information would be very much appreciated

Thanks Stu Das158er
I have this data of battles with involvement of the 84th (some infos)

14. August 1870 Colombey-Nouilly
18. August 1870 St. Privat
1. September 1870 Noisseville
1. September - 9. September 1870 encirclement of Metz
6. October 1870 Lessy
3./4. December 1870 Orléans
11./12. January 1871 Le Mans
IR84 was with FR36 in Brigade 35 of Infanterie Division 18 (Armee Korps IX)
It was in Armee II (General Prinz Freidrich Karl von Preussen)
This Armee was composed by
Garde Korps, Armee Korps II- III- IV- IX (with Hessiches Division 25) and AK XII (Sachsen Armee)
Kavalerie Division 5 and 6.
Total: 181 infanterie bataillon 156 Kavalerie escadron 105 artillerie batterie