A Bavarian Chevauxlegers offizer


Hi Gentlemans!

A friend of mine asked a little help with this fine portrait.

It is possible to identify the person? And what ar the medals (except the EK2)?

Thanks in advance!



911car: For some reason I thought that the Bavarian Chevaulegers wore the same uniform as the Uhlans...Thanks!
The equivalent of a Bavarian Chevau-Leger, in other states, is actually a Dragoner.
I‘m with 911car, it’s an Ulan. Chevauleger wore other Helmets.
Concerning the Text I’m not 100% sure, but it could be:
Ulan Emanuel
Hergoy in ?Bayern? 1893

Medals from right could be:
Armeedenkzeichen 1866 (Bayern)
Maybe Bayerische Tapferkeitsmedaille, Rettungsmedaille (Bayern) or other medal
EK 2. Klasse
EK 1. Klasse
Probably the writing is not 'Ulan' as that is a rank of Private. This man is a Field Grade officer (Major and above)

Sandmann said:
//Concerning the Text I’m not 100% sure, but it could be:
Ulan Emanuel
Hergoy in ?Bayern? 1893 //

Try this link http://www.kaisersbunker.com/gtp/chev.htm to explain the difference. Basically, Ulanen wore Epauletten and Polish cuffs. Chevauleger wore shoulder straps (Other Ranks) and shoulder boards (officers), and wore Swedish cuffs.

Markgraf said:
911car: For some reason I thought that the Bavarian Chevaulegers wore the same uniform as the Uhlans...Thanks!
Ok, so he is a Bavarian Uhlan Field Grade officer. Thank You!

Did have the Bavarian Army similar periodical like the Austro-Hungarian Schematismus? Because I would like to identify him.

The photo came form a family album of a Hungarian noble family. Now we try to identify the persons on the photos, and reveal the connections with the family.

Generalleutnant Max Emanuel Herzog in Bayern, à la suite of 1. Ulanen-Regiment, commander of the equitation school in Munich.

I believe that is a Cheveaux-leger. The Cheveaux-leger uniform was the same as the Ulanka, but it was only piped down the right side. There does not appear to be any piping on the left side of this one. It's at least a Cheveaux-leger uniform. If he was the honorary commander of multiple units maybe he is mixing uniforms
Glennj said:

Generalleutnant Max Emanuel Herzog in Bayern, à la suite of 1. Ulanen-Regiment, commander of the equitation school in Munich.


I didn't realize your post, thank you very much! :bravo: