Ah! The Good Old Days!

A point to note is we're talking WW1's centennary so there will very likely be an upswing in interest for this stuff in the years ahead. Brace yourselves.

Some people think that after the centennary, WWI stuff will come down in price, I think these are the same people who said the same thing about US Civil War stuff in the early 60s. Prices never faltered, thye only went up, so I would agree with Laurie, if you see something that you want, and know it is real, and you have the bees and honey, then snap it up or you may never get another chance.
Hello Friends & Collectors,
I have a 1958 Robert Abels(NYC)catalog floating around here somewhere. Mint JzP,s-$20 ea,HJ Daggers-$7ea,WW1 German Steel Pots with liner-$10 ea,WW1/WW11 German swords-$10-$20 ea,Hussar Tunics-$35 ea.Etc Etc. His muskets and antique firearms were second to none-King Weasel
This is a page from a 1964-65 catolog for the Museum of Historical Arms in Florida. I still have the Austro - Hungarian helmet for $95.00 and the Garde du Korps helmet for $195.00. It took me 6 months on lay away. Corky
Joe: Another catalog reprint you might find useful is titled Arms of the World - 1911. It is a reprint of the 1911 Alfa catalog. This firm was a large German surplpus/ military equipmewnt dealer. The publisher of the reprinft was also D.B.I. Books, ISBN 0-695-80333-6

Laurie: The reprint is titled C.E. Junker Military Effects Catalog Circa 1932. It was published by National Capital Historical Sales, Inc. You might try contacting them at http://www.nchsinc.com/default.htm to see if the catalog is still available.

Hi R1,

Thanks for the hint. I tried them but even the reprint is out of print. One for the 'Want List.'


joerookery said:
R1 I got Arms of the World - 1911 a reprint of the 1911 Alfa catalog. Nice huge but not much detail in the helmet area. I was hoping he had more info on his "used" stuff but pretty slim.

Where this catalogue really stands out is in the firearms.
Joe: I would not make the assumption that any of the helmets in the Alfa catalog were used. More than likely helmets, probably of fairly low quality, were acquired directly from manufacturers and advertised in the catalog.
