
There is a photo of an aluminum helmet in Johanssons book, Pickelhauben, on page 62. It is Bavarian also. I know how most of you feel about this book, but it would be a place to start on the research.
John :read2:

I am an Italian collector,

I had the same pickelhaube, but with gold fittings, few hears ago try to post the photos but them go to spam and I was banned after few minutes That I was a member.... 🤔
James and I encountered one of these at the SOS (2019?), it was a Bavarian officer and in very good condition. Being sold by a German rare and so unknown that it was hard for us to believe that it was real There are photos here on the forum. KURASSIER69, I just checked your account, and the system says that it is active. PM me if there is still a problem and I will contact tech support to solve the problem.