an ancestor at home


Hi guys,

I'm glad to show you my new addition. It's an mod 1862 Uhlan Tschapka for EM in the 8th Ulanen Regiment. It's in a correct condition with some age damages. The visor has been obviously changed but a long time ago. The pictures are surely better than my poor english language. I'm happy to get this scarce Tschapka because it symbolizes to me the early origins of the Uhlans headgears... something like a return to the roots of these legendary and typical helmets. I'm very happy to share my pleasure with you dear fellow collectors.

Maxime :)

The visor has been obviously changed but a long time ago. The pictures are surely better than my poor english language.

Why do you think this? I cannot tell from the it because the the trim seems to go past the visor on sides? Do you have a close-up? the visor seems (?) to be sewn on correctly, (sewn pointing up and then flipped down) and I see no extra stitch marks? If anything, it seems it has been re-sewn? But could it be the original visor? But the trim........ hmmm...

It has the M1860 chicken as well, the early pattern as you can tell from the shape. A very rare little bird, the small M1867 chickens are very different in shape.

Wow Maxime, I just cannot tell you how much I love this. It is a wonderful old example. Félicitations!

Ah, et ta anglais est très bon Maxime.
Congratulations MAX. This is an excellent helme! It is incredible that it has survived in such good shape for all of these years. Brian