another tschapka


Well-known member

my last find was the garde ulanen tschapka UR 13 posted last week,

my latest find before that one was another tschapka, I like very much as well,
it is a " TSCHAPKA ZUR PARADE" with fangschnur rabatte and plume,

(it was a good (and costly) time for german imperial cavalry purchases).

attached some photo's

I would also like to ask two questions:

1: first: does anyone have a good idea for an app or programme to "govern" one's collection? (I'm Apple minded).
I would like to have a computer programme in which I can store Photo's and data concerning item from my collection (date of purchase, provenance, prize, specifications, Photo's etc.).
2: does anyone have a Prussian general Federbusch or spitze for sale?
as depicted in the three photo's attached I've two very similar helmets in my collection (not latest finds), both have a Prussian officer garde wappen and a square visor, so they are either garde dragoner (Victoria regiment) or Prussian general.
Both had Bavarian " gekehle spitzen" when purchased, on one I put an smooth spitze to correct it into a "garde dragoner" , the other one still has its Bavarian spitze, and I would like to replace it with a correct General sprite or Federbusch, has anyone such an item available?
I'm on Apple and have been since the days of the IIe. I just use "Pages". Each piece has a page which includes a photo, table of specs, and a general description. I also use "Numbers" to maintain a master list of each piece; date purchased, price, and some technical data that I keep track of. I have a set of "Pages" files that I keep on individual regiments, it contains images of uniform details and notes about special differences in the uniform and equipment.