Antique store haube

Ed Hanson

New member
It has been awhile since I've posted. I bought a leather haube at a local antique store recently. It is Prussian and has nickel-silver trim and a frosted eagle as well as trim on the front visor and the spine on the back with sliding air vent. There are numerous markings on the inside as follows. Size "60" is near the plate for the spike. The rear visor has a large ink stamp which appears to be "Ba11 8". It also is marked in ink in a rectangular cartouche "B.A. VIII 1914" and is stamped into the leather "BJA VIII 1918F". The front visor has a stamp in the leather which is a pair of wings about 3 inches long and appears to say "Gabel". I would like to provide photos so please tell me how I can do this. My son is a computer whiz and he is here for a couple more days and could send the images to one of you for posting in this thread. Thanks.

Ed Hanson
[email protected]
Love to get a better picture for our listings!

Ed: Silver fittings on a Prussian infantry style M95 OR's helmet would suggest a pioneer helmet. The BA plus Roman numerals are the korps markings. Most helmets from pioneer battalions are stamped PB plus a number. It would be nice to see pics of the entire helmet. As to posting pics: Transfer your pics to your desk top then, you need to host your pics on a site like photobucket which is what I use. Next, transfer them to the forum. Start a new post here then click on Img. Then paste the url of your pic and close by clicking on Img again. All photos here have to have Img at the beginning and end of the picture url. Brian
Minnesota Slim said:
Looks to be a nice OR Pioneer helmet, nice find!

Nice indeed. James, you have been corresponding with us so long, you used "OR" rather than the American "EM". You are being assimilated.....And timely, as I am in the USA right now!

Ed, nice helmet as I said, but be aware that there is a very annoying automatic re-size code in the html, so your photos which are not too big for any other site, are re-sized to a width of 550 pixels on this site. To try and combat this until it is (hopefully) someday gone, next time crop all the background out of your photo so only the helmet shows, like on my Pionier below. Tony

Ed Hanson said:
It has been awhile since I've posted. I bought a leather haube at a local antique store recently. It is Prussian and has nickel-silver trim and a frosted eagle as well as trim on the front visor and the spine on the back with sliding air vent. There are numerous markings on the inside as follows. Size "60" is near the plate for the spike. The rear visor has a large ink stamp which appears to be "Ba11 8". It also is marked in ink in a rectangular cartouche "B.A. VIII 1914" and is stamped into the leather "BJA VIII 1918F". The front visor has a stamp in the leather which is a pair of wings about 3 inches long and appears to say "Gabel". I would like to provide photos so please tell me how I can do this. My son is a computer whiz and he is here for a couple more days and could send the images to one of you for posting in this thread. Thanks.

Ed Hanson
[email protected]

A size 60. What luck.
That's neat.
Tony & Kaiser said:
Minnesota Slim said:
Looks to be a nice OR Pioneer helmet, nice find!

Nice indeed. James, you have been corresponding with us so long, you used "OR" rather than the American "EM". You are being assimilated.....And timely, as I am in the USA right now!

Hey Tony,
It always puzzeled me as to how the term EM could last so long in the land of the green paper money, when I was young, most of the EMs were nothing of the sort, as they were draftees, and I wondered how a draftee could become an Enlisted Man. Of Course, the term OR will not likely become a common term amoung US military personal due to it's Caste origins.
Tony- it is hard to break old habits, I am working on the whole OR,EM thing!

Hope you get a chance to see Mickey Mouse!

Hi Ed:
Gald to see that you have mastered the art of posting pics. God knows, if I can do it anybody can eventually! A question about the spike top on this pioneer "OR's" helmet...does it twist off??. I am seeing something showing throught the vent holes in the spike top which suggests M15 to me. Hopefully, I am wrong and this is just shadow due to lighting. Brian
I suspected that my haube is a pioneer helmet, however, what is a pioneer? How do they differ from an average German soldier? Is this haube scarcer than a standard one with brass fittings? So much for the questions. At first the antique store wanted $1500 for this helmet. As time went by the price dropped to $800 and then $500. That's when I bought. I have also acquired a repro chinstrap and cockades to complete it. The front visor was detached when I bought it and I spent an entire Sunday afternoon sewing it back on (my wife showed me how). My camera isn't able to take close-ups of the markings and my son flies back home tomorrow (he loaded the pictures for me). Also, the spike does not screw off. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I now have two haubes. The other is an ersatz steel one that I posted previously.

Remind me to hire you when it comes to negotiating. I think you did fine. I fully understand the emotions of a son leaving. We can wait for the marks. We thank you for showing us the helmet. God bless.
Hi Ed;
You did well on your helmet purchase! Your helmet is rarer because naturally there were fewer pioneers or "combat engineer" regiments than infantry ones. I am glad that your helmet is not an M15 with polished fittings. Occaisionally, one comes accross an M15 that has had all the grey paint taken off and the steel fittings polished up. Nice helmet, Brian
That is very nice pioneer haube and nice price you got it for. Pioneer's were alotted by battalion's as apossed to Regiemnet's ( with w few exeption's) .An Infantry Regimetn had 4 Battalions .
The silver trim is the majic and value to the helmet.
Congrats that will look nice when it is cleaned up .