Arrival of Wilhelm II in the Netherlands videoclip


Interesting period videoclip:
The arrival of the German Emperor Wilhelm II in Eijsden, the Netherlands, at 9 November 1918.
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Visit for more details about this event my website: .

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for posting that clip. I then checked out your page on Huis Doorn. Very good, I'd not seen the postcards inside before. Such a shame they do not display more of the Kaiser's uniforms. Then I started looking at the rest of your website... very, very good. I can't believe I'd missed it before. Great stuff... now I'm late for work and it's your fault! :D
I'll be checking back this evening!

:D Thanks Chris, for your enthusiastic response on my website! Sorry for keeping you from your work. :(
Most people visit two pages, and come back later for another visit for some next few pages, and again and again. Remember: always eat an elephant in small bits and bites. Perhaps next time you will be at time at your work.
Thanks a lot again!
There is so much to explore on your website! You do the exploration and the sharing and the research. We just sit back and enjoy! Thanks for the work.
Finally I am back online! Well, Chris, many years ago I have heard someone else using this quotation. It fitted exactly to the occassion, where I had to do a hell of a big job. I succeeded after all, simply by "eating patiently the whole elephant by bits and bites". :)