Baden Anyone?

Bonjour Tony

How are you doing?

We had the same passion of the helmets with the spikes and here is my collection....

Top row: Reserve IR Nr.111, IR170, FAR66

Uberzug: IR111, IR113, IR170

Bottom row: IR169, IR170 1915, IR112

I have not yet finished reworking the lighting of my window \:D/
Very impressive collections. Thank you for sharing them.
Mine display is very humble in comparison. It is a combination of 111 JR items and US 2nd Division items plus a pattern 2 WW2 Fairbairn Sykes dagger in the middle. I am thankful to the kind members of this forum for helping me piece together the pickelhaube, for providing me a period foto and for freely sharing their advice/experience during my quest.


111JR Display 4.jpg