Bavarian Stoßtrupp sleeve insignia, Bapaume 1916-ish


New member
No clues on the reverse of this one, but the photo was taken in the Grande Place at Bapaume circa Winter 1916 - 1917. The statue of one of Bapaume's heroes from the Franco-Prussian War, Général Faidherbe lies unceremoniously beside it's base.

Bavarians, probably from the 6. Reserve Division assemble in the vicinity of a wine and spirit merchant, long since plundered of it's wares. An insignia can be seen on the arm of the chap in the Stahlhelm which closely resembles that of the red coloured "Star of David" shaped insignia of the handgrenade assault troops of the 208th Division.

Has anyone seen something like this before being worn by Bavarians?

Grande Place at Bapaume by drakegoodman, on Flickr

Detail of insignia.

Grande Place at Bapaume - Insignia by drakegoodman, on Flickr