Busches book - does anybody have the PDF?


New member
Does anybody still have the PDF of Busches book "Formationsgeschichte der deutschen Infanterie im Ersten Weltkrieg"?

My computer had a total crash and I had to restore an older backup of my system, regrettably loosing some files.
Robert said:
Does anybody still have the PDF of Busches book "Formationsgeschichte der deutschen Infanterie im Ersten Weltkrieg"?

My computer had a total crash and I had to restore an older backup of my system, regrettably loosing some files.


I have a well thumbed, ex-George Wylie copy that he let me borrow, complete with coffee mug stains. 1.54MB zip file.

If no-one else has come to your assistance first, drop me a blank email to [email protected] and I'll fire it to you on the return email.


Thanks for your help, guys! I sent Mike a PM. Actually my mainboard comes from Taiwan but I guess it is our harsh climate.. nothing for warm water wimps.