Camo Stalhelm


New member
Incredibly this recieved no bids the first time round. The camo pattern appears to be US pattern, which indicates it was painted by a Veterans organization and more than likely nailed to the wall (note two holes) of a VFW. If the paint is original (I think it is), I'd say the helmet is worth at least $800. Just my opinion. Anyone else care to comment?

My opinion only….the piece has no liner and collectors generally want an original camouflaged painted helmet. Condition is everything when it comes to a sale and price. This has two major problems. Welcome to the forum.
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I like the pattern and the paint, a very attractive helmet. HOWEVER, look at the paint around the holes for the liner pins. The paint runs right up to the edge of the hole. If this was authentic, there would be a ring of original paint or patina where they covered it. So, no go.
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I like the pattern and the paint, a very attractive helmet. HOWEVER, look at the paint around the holes for the liner pins. The paint runs right up to the edge of the hole. If this was authentic, there would be a ring of original paint or patina where the covered it. So, no go.
Good catch!
I bought one to study the differences. They were close but still fake. I bought few chinstraps to complete my helmets but they are easily recognised.
Would you be able to make a post on it?.I would be highly interested in seeing it, if other people are of course. It would be great for new people like the original poster above to learn from👆.

Kind regards Kai.