CCJ collection

Yes Tony, that is the same visor....
That made my day. I have a fuzzy recollection now. Recall 20+ years ago when we first met, everyone was half-mad to get Feldgrau in any condition. You, however, appear to have been steady and focused on quality and condition. That’s why it’s so great to see your Feldgrau again, always in sets. Always FNM perfect condition, with headgear of matching quality. Exquisite detail with all the accoutrements. Wonderful to see. You have a very good eye Charles.
It’s hard to believe it’s been that long ago but you’re right.
I do have a compulsion to match tunics to caps. If I can’t match them over time I grow discontent with owning the item. I horrible mindset that’s cost me many nice items.
I’m hoping that collecting spiked helmets will be different for me. I can’t afford to have a tunic for every spike I want.
Great photo of a great strap .
I collect shoulder straps
I am trying for a strap for each Husaren regimnet .
Both cyphers and numbered units
For me Husaren officers straps with numbers are very hard to find
Of my collection of M1915 enlisted H R straps I only need H R 12 to be complete
Many thanks
The tunic is an issue tunic converted for an officer’s use. The collar has guard tabs so the officer had to have been transferred to Fussartillerie Bn 62. I photo of a si,liar tunic for a guard officer being mended by a soldier. It appears those boards are foot artillery 272.

Another one. This is my first Imperial Tunic. This one was once Chip M’s decades ago and I’ve had it about 25 years. The visor cap is for an officer of Baden Dragoon Regt 22 and is a beauty. This cap once belonged to Tony S

O/Lt Baden Dragoon Regt 22

I need an officers Baden Dragoon helmet for this uniform.

You have a truly amazing museum quality collection Charles, thank you for these posts!