chin scales again??


New member
So you guys have got me looking closer at the details. That's a good
thing, Right? After the last one that I posted that had chin scale
issues, it has me looking pretty close at them. Here is a haulb
that has all of the bells and whistles and IMO is a fairly nice helmet
( although it does have some issues )

I was looking at the chin strap, making sure that the style of chin scale
matched the style of rosette. Then I went to "the Bunker" to try to
match it against one of Tony's. Tony has a helmet that's close but
not identical. his has a smaller frontplate. It also has vaulted chin
scales while the one on ebay has flat chin scales. Does the one on
ebay have the wrong chin strap?

I liked the overall look of this helmet but the helmet body is sluffing
off leather in a few spots and has allegator skin on large areas. Plus
it is bent out of shape and the front visor is shrinking away from the
visor trim and it looks like the stitching is a little loose on the rear visor.

How did I do?
Your opinions would be appreaciated on this helmet and especially the
chin strap.

gregM said:
Tony has a helmet that's close but
not identical. his has a smaller frontplate. It also has vaulted chin
scales while the one on ebay has flat chin scales.

Uh..Greg, I have over 100 Haubes on Kasier's Bunker. Which one? Place the link, or by all means, you have my permission to post the photo via a link. I am not even sure which one?
I compared it against this one----------

I chose this one because they are both reserve officer's helmets.
Those are two very different helmets Greg. The one that Age of Kings is selling is Garde Infantry Landwehr with wide swept wings (flat scales) while the one you linked to on my site is Dragoner Landwehr (upswept wings) with rounded scales. Do you see the difference? The infantry one has rounded front visor and spike base, the Dragoner is squared visor and cruciform spike base. The closest one I have to the one Age of Kings is selling, is my Garde officer. Pics HERE

By the way, Randy and Remy run Age of Kings, two guys that back up what they sell, if you are ever not happy, refund with no questions.

Hi Tony,
I did notice the difference. I picked that one simply because it had a
somewhat similar reserve front plate. BUT I did see a lot more differences
than i saw similarities. That really is what promted my questions. I guess
I should have looked deaper into your site.

Pickelhaubes are a complicated area of study, so many small but significant and critical differences. Makes EKs look like a piece of cake eh?