Collection inventory app - Recollector



Just received this email from 'Recollector' and thought I would pass it on. This is a collectors inventory program and I can highly recommend it. I previously had my 1000+ helmets, hats, uniforms, firearms, etc catalogued in excel spreadsheets but have now transferred all to Recollector. Excel data transfers directly inti the program. It allows you to catalog, sort, attach photographs, track purchase dates and prices, add descriptions, models etc. and you can put a 'portable' version on your ipad or iphone with all the data available. Highly recommended!


"Dear Recollector User,

For the holidays, MapRecord Publications is offering a 20% discount on purchases of Recollector License Keys, for the collectors on your holiday gift list. You can purchase a license for $39 (rather than the regular $49) until the end of the year. The license key will be sent to you via email. Print out the message, tuck it into a gift card and you have the perfect holiday present for a friend or family member who is a collector. (Or you can just forward the license-key e-mail, adding your own greetings at the top.)

Click here to go to a page on our web site where you can place an order.

Best wishes for the holidays,

Jeremy Pool
MapRecord Publications"
I have not found anything remotely as good as Recollector. You design the data sheets yourself - I use - Category, sub category, conflict, nationality. model, descriptor, identifying marks, images, date of purchase, price paid, current value, images. You can set it all up in Microsoft Excel and load directly to Recollector. You can attach dozens of images of every entry. You can then load a 'lite' version onto an iPad so you have it with you all the time. Highly recommended.